
death and love
for which is greater?
love or death?
what is to love when either have embraced death?
can love survive the grave?
the long for life, for touch
in death lingers.
for love has to hear, has to feel
the touch, the warmth, the ache beneath.

is my love greater when I die?
who will know of my love when you die?
will the world still whisper it?
the tide still take it?
the wind still nurture it? 

who will hear your shout for love?
when my ears are none to hear.
and when the grave finally claim you,
will our love then be forgotten?

when the beatings have ceased,
is the heart no more to love?
when thine arms cannot hold,
will love ceases?
when my arms cannot hold
my lips cannot kiss,
my heart cannot live.

will love survive death?

where my love would go?
when the world ends,
when the stars loses its spark,
and the seas have dried up,
the birds all but died.
and the flowers don't bloom.
and all this ceases to be.

will love be free?

is the ache to love still lingers in death?

for thine is the greatest, and ours survives it?

even for death, my love will lay.

where will your love lay?

for is death greater than love?
or even death cannot surpass love.090909

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